
In-depth expertise and many years of experience

We have been supporting you since 1960

In pursuing their legal positions we are able to offer our clients in depth knowledge and extensive experience in our fields of activity.

Providing council and support for our clients is therefore exclusively handled by the partner who specializes in the relevant field of law which is required for each particular case.

This is how we lay the foundation for a lasting and trusting cooperation between our law firm and our private clients as well as for companies.

Our competencies

Commercial Law

Litigation Law

Family Law

Insolvency Law

Real Estate and Contract Law

Criminal (Panel) Law

Indemnity Law

Public Procurement Law

Labour Law

IP- and IT-Law

Administration and Administrative Penalty Laws


Stelzhamerstraße 12

4020 Linz

Opening Hours

MO – DO 8.00 – 17.00   

FR 8.00 – 14.00


Phone: +43 732 662655

Fax: +43 732 661727

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